Production Ranking by Country

Country ranking sets out gold and silver production ranked, from largest to smallest for 2024, with a change between 2023 and 2024 also highlighted. Estimates of the forecast 2024 production figures are also shown under “2024(f)”. Broader global analyses can be found in the Data Analysis section.

Gold Production

China, the Russian Federation and Australia are the top tier producers of gold, although Chinese and Russian figures are largely based on unconfirmed estimates. Notable facts, mines, events or entities are also highlighted in the last column. The table can easily be downloaded or exported.

Trend lines indicate that Indonesia and Peru have been consistently producing more gold each of the last five years, while Australia and the United States have been consistently decreasing production.

Silver Production

Mexico is consistently the largest producer of silver. Panama’s forecast production estimate for 2024 assumes that the Cobre Panama mine will not be in production.

Notable movers are: Thailand (Chatree mine restart), Malaysia (Sokor mine), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Vares mine), Botswana (Khoemacau Copper Mining recently acquired by MMG) and the Philippines.