Mine Ownership

Mine Ownership Models

Mine ownership of precious metals production can be seen through several different lenses. The first, broadest dimension is between: large scale mining (LSM) and artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM).

Mine Ownership Type

Drilling down into mine ownership can be done through the following dimensions, which are defined here:

  • ownership type: public, private, and state owned enterprises, asm
  • ownership size: majors, intermediates and asm (juniors have no production)
  • ownership focus: primary or secondary producers

Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining

Artisanal and small scale mining gold production (ASM) is mining which takes place usually on an informal basis. Artisanal generally meaning manual and small-scale meaning mechanical methods of extraction.

Production in each zone is assumed not to change much from year to year, unless there is a major event like a gold rush or some sort of natural or man-made disaster.