Geological Survey Reporting

Geological survey reporting is the systematic investigation of the geology beneath a given piece of ground for the purpose of creating a geological map or model. Almost all countries in the world have an arm of government, which performs this function. Refer to Geology Page for a full listing of nations which try to maintain a geological survey. The following sources are excellent for providing a global view.

The US Geological Survey (USGS) annually publishes a “Mineral Yearbook with both gold and silver production statistics with global totals.

The British Geological Survey (BGS) annually publishes “World Mineral Statistics” which contains mineral production statistics for a five year period (in kilograms).

World Mining Data (WMD) is operated by the Austrian Government.

USGS, BGS and WMD all have excellent, comprehensive reports. However, the reports are released on a delayed basis.

BGS and WMD figures for calendar year 2022 are made available at the end of H1 2024. USGS figures for 2021 are being released piecemeal in 2024.

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