Public Ownership

Stock Exchange

Public ownership means that private individuals can share in the ownership of an enterprise, whose shares are quoted on a recognised stock exchange.

Publicly owned precious metals enterprises are identified with a single (primary) stock exchange, in order to avoid double counting. The primary exchange is chosen as either: the largest mining exchange (often Toronto) or the exchange in the country most closely associated with that company.

For consistency, the constituent companies of each exchange are re-stated, based on the exchange they belong to in the current year.

The table below shows production ounces broken down to stock exchange (listed largest to smallest for gold and silver separately):

All tables can easily be downloaded or exported to Excel.

Note (1): Companies listed on the Toronto TSX Venture Exchange are shown separately to those on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

Note (2) Polymetal is the only precious metal company on the Astana International Exchange (AIX). Polymetal was previously listed in London and has been restated.

Drilling down to the next level, reveals the individual companies within each stock exchange, for example Toronto Stock Exchange

Toronto Stock Exchange

The table below shows production ounces listed largest to smallest (for gold):

Drilling down into the next level, shows the property (mine) within each company.

Agnico-Eagle Mines

The table below shows production ounces broken down to property level, within a company:

Company data can be checked against the company’s own reporting. Click here to go to Agnico-Eagle Mines.

Note: Agnico-Eagle was chosen over Barrick as Barrick have a unique way of presenting their data.