Data Analysis

Data Cube Structure

Data analysis considers the three data elements in precious metals mining: world geography, mine ownership and mine infrastructure as the three sides of a data cube. Using these axes allows specific areas of interest to be isolated and inspected.

Data Cube Measures

There are two measures, these are the “units of measure” – the grid lines within the data cube. These are:

The model could also be regarded as two cubes, one for annual production and one for MROR, but the sides of the cube are the same.

Production figures are a time based measure, like a profit and loss statement (showing much of the mineral is being extracted), while MROR is a point in time measure, like a balance sheet (which indicates the remaining mineral in the deposit).

Mines in Production (Annual Production)

Mines in production (of gold and/or silver) are split into: “major” and ” intermediate” producers. There are no “junior” producers. Producers are also characterised as either “primary” and “secondary”.

For more detail around definitions, see ownership categories.

Data analysis focuses on major producers and public intermediate producers as this is the data with the highest levels of integrity.

Deposit Size – Mineral Reserves and Ore Reserves

Junior mining companies are involved in exploration and development of projects. MROR is used as a measure for the size of both projects and existing mines.

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